Monday, August 20, 2012

The "Joe Biden is a gaffe machine" meme receives the Onion treatment. This certainly puts it in perspective.

(H/T to the Onion. Of course)


  1. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Great video ... all Sunday morning political shows look just like it.

  2. "To the Onion," huh? Of course.

    1. Hey, I saw your link in a previous thread! I'll give you a h/t!

    2. Anita Winecooler8:49 PM

      Same here, but I'm glad it got it's own post!

  3. Yes, get out the pitchforks! O'Biden has jumped the shark. While Ryan trots out his rich mother as a grateful (to the Democracts you dumb ass) Medicare recipient; Romney still refuses to provide tax returns (2011 won't be available until October 15;) and other GOP candidates talk about "legitimate rape," the Obama-Biden team talk about real issues and what they have done to save the economy and America's reputation around the world.

    Keep talking RR. We await your next flip-flop/lie.

  4. Anonymous6:55 AM

    The video is a trailer for a tv show.

  5. Shari7:03 AM

    Now that's funny! The first guy called him O'Biden! "Let's get him before we come to our senses" made me laugh until I cried. I love Joe!

    1. Anonymous8:31 AM

      Yeah they get in a jab at Sarah even when she doesn't realize she's being made fun of. It's understandable why she's such a bitter quittet these days when you realize that she's fallen from the leading spot in the GOP to not even being asked to speak at the convention. How embarrassing for those Palins. If they even had a clue, they'd be humiliated but they don't have a bit of self-awareness. They are just another documented case of inbreeding lowering IQ's of successive generations.

  6. "They could get a Big Mouth Billy Bass to do a better job." - too funny!!

  7. Anonymous7:58 AM

    It's worse that a simple sneeze. It appears Biden had a perfectly folded handkerchief in his jacket pocket...that he DIDN'T use. Perhaps, it was a fake handkerchief sewn into his pocket just for show and just the type of accessory I'd expect from a fake and a dolt like Biden. Simply humiliating for the U.S.. ;)

    1. Anonymous8:38 AM

      Compared to Sarah, Joe is Einstein. Of course, most people are of superior intellect to the Palins. Any of em. All of em.

      You betcha.

    2. Anonymous8:43 AM

      Wow like Romney and Ryan are so real with all the lies and flip floppin.

    3. Anonymous9:09 AM

      Please note the ;) - That's a symbol for a wink. 7:58 is playing along with the Onion's spoof.

  8. Anonymous8:13 AM

    O/T- Willard lusting after a 15yo girl when he was 18? CREEPY AND AGAINST THE LAW. It's called STATUTORY RAPE MITT!

    "It has been that way for 47 years, since Mitt Romney - an 18-year-old student at the all-boys Cranbrook School - walked into a party and saw the nearly 16-year-old Ann, who attended Cranbrook's sister school, Kingswood."

    Scroll down to paragraph 19.

    1. Balzafiar8:46 AM

      In case you weren't aware of it, the Mormons like 'em young; that way they can raise them the way they should be raised.

    2. Anonymous9:34 AM

      That is very true. While Mitt was hanging out in France on a mission (aka to avoid the draft), Mitt's father was taking Ann to Mormon lessons.

  9. Anonymous8:22 AM

    These guys are hilariously right on and do the slow agitation dance that keeps getting faster and faster, like the idiots from the evening Fox News shows do, that use that method of getting everyone up in a lather. Finally, after Hannity's football throw, he leaves his audience in a sweat-induced angry mean-spirited rage. Then come the ads for prescriptions for high blood pressure, and heart disease.

  10. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Why didn't Bristol shut down the Tri-PP pregnancy after she was raped in the tent by Levi?

    1. Good point.

      Glad to see the heat's off Joe today.

    2. Anita Winecooler8:59 PM

      All Republicans know, Winecoolers cause the sperm killing secretions.

      A) there was no rape
      B) The winecooler fable is whitwashing by Brancy, she was doing shots of hard liquor, but winecoolers sound so "innocent" "plausible" and "Not so alcoholish" for a fine, Christian young lady poking holes in the tent with her high heels while scaring little wild critters with her chortles and moans of ecstasy.

      Who gets "raped" then "phones a friend" without playing "Who want's to be a Millionaire"? She should have asked the audience for help.

  11. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Reminds me of FOX...Hannity for sure!!!

  12. Hilarious - now I can start my boring errands for the day with a chuckle.

    I'll never forget that grin on his face as he "held back" during the VP debate with Sarah P. He may not be "book smart", but he's "street smart". Something about Joe Biden makes me want to hug him.

  13. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Totally agree with you lilylake - "Amtrak Joe" is a keeper...

    I saw some drivel on C4PeePee this morning that the few remaining bots have taken the reality of "Palin didn't make a complete idiot of herself in the VP debate" and morphed it into "she wiped the floor with Biden the idiot." I would love to know what's in the water over there - some seriously powerful hallucinogens I'm thinking

  14. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Is this a pilot for a new Fox show.....?

  15. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Yeah! Reminds me of the crap that erupted after Obama asked for Dijon mustard for his hamburger.

  16. Anita Winecooler9:03 PM

    I love the onion, and this spoof was a riot. Exactly how Fox News operates!


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